Monday, February 15, 2010


Why is that people always say, "This is the way I am, I'm not going to change?" Well, that's just silly! How do you become the person you are without change? We all start our lives knowing absolutely nothing. Our parents teach us everything we need to know as we grow into our adolescence and continue to guide us on the right path into adulthood. How did you become the person you are today without nurture and growth? The two fundamental components of change.

You see, we go through our lives on this great journey. I know how cliche is that, right? But it's true. We make the choices in our lives that take us in the direction we want to go. It's in these choices that we have to make mistakes, we can then learn, grow, and move on to the next choice. Growth is simply one aspect of what defines us as intelligent life forms, you know, human. It is in this growth that invokes change. Haven't we all had that heart breaker relationship that we all said we would never do again? Well, here you go. One good example of how we learn, grow, and change. If it weren't for that heart breaker, would you have changed the way you view relationships? If you had always traveled down the road of least resistance, would you be happy with whom you have become? We would all like to take the path of least resistance because it's easy, but it is in this resistance that really defines who we are. It's those tough decisions we make that mold us into the person we choose to be. Without resistance, there is simply way too much normalcy.

Don't get me wrong, other factors play a large role in what defines who we are. For example, your reaction to the result of a choice. You may choose to react or you may choose to accept. Reaction is the negative aspect and will force closed mindedness, however, it is in the acceptance that leads to an open mind much more susceptible to change. Yet, another example is your environment. If your situation is such that you are jeopardizing who you want to be, then force a change. It is evolution (if you believe in that) in its most civilized form.

Mistakes are good. We all make them, everyday, all the time, in everything we do. What's most important about mistakes is that you learn from them. What you take away is so much more empowering and is simply another form of change, however small it is. I love mistakes. I know that when I make a mistake, I will NEVER make it again, and I have just learned the most valuable lesson of all. (Huh, I never knew that my boss had a large, red, pulsating vein above his eye.) Make them often, make them count, and for God's sake man, EMBRACE CHANGE.

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